Many people dislike dentures because they can be painful, inconvenient, unstable, and make chewing food difficult. Modern dentistry and the All-on-4 procedure allow you to say goodbye to dentures once and for all! All-on-4 contemporary treatment has revolutionized the way we replace a full set of teeth. This aesthetic full-arch rehabilitation provides you the teeth that you have been looking for!

The All-on-4 treatment concept replaces your missing teeth with a provisional full dental non-removable fixed bridge supported by only 4 titanium dental implants in either your lower or upper jaw. With less implants needed, overall treatment time and cost is reduced.

The unique All-on-4 solution also ensures greater stability in the bone, reducing the need for bone graft surgery which is normally necessary to increase bone volume. Your new teeth are crafted in the time between your initial consultation and your dental implant placement, allowing for your All-on-4 teeth to be placed on the same day as your dental implant supports. After a short healing period, the final bridge will be placed and you can continue using your non-removable teeth to chew, laugh and smile every day!

For more information about our All-on-4 implants, contact us today. We would love to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!